Episode 09: Belinda Fettke

On today’s episode we are very excited to be joined by researcher and low-carb/healthy-fat advocate, Belinda Fettke. She is a former Registered Nurse & current health disruptor. In 2016 her husband Dr. Gary Fetkke was silenced from talking to his patients and the wider community, about the health benefits of reducing sugar and processed carbohydrates, and reintroducing healthy natural fats back into their diet. He was told he was not qualified to give food advice as medicine. Belinda played a central role in advocating for him during this time and in 2018 he was exonerated & received a written apology from the Australian Health Practitioners Regulation Agency which had never happened before.

In diving deep to explore why her husband was censored she uncovered research that many organizations of influence would like to keep from the public eye. Today Belinda shares with us the details of her historical research into the rise of processed/high-carb/sugary foods. She also shares how the Adventist Church Group has not only played a huge role in the demonization of meat and saturated fat but how they are a huge force in the promotion of cereals. We also discuss sugar/processed food addiction, the negative motives and biases that exist in the world of big pharma, big food, and “medical researchers” aka Fake News. AND She even lets us in on some of her latest research on the non-nutritive sweetener Stevia.

Belinda Fettke:

Twitter: @FructoseNo

Websites: http://www.nofructose.com https://isupportgary.com

Instagram: @isupportgary

The content of our show is educational only. It does not supplement or supersede the professional relationship and direction of your healthcare provider. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified mental health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition, substance use disorder, or mental health concern.


Episode 10: Vinnie Tortorich


Episode 08: Johnathan Cranford