Episode 14: Tony Vassallo

Tony is a Man on a Nutrition Mission. He is the founder of MODA Nutrition and he has a passion for helping others achieve healthy, sustained weight loss by using his famous mantra JERF: Just Eat Real Food.

Tony has an inspiring recovery journey with Food Addiction. At one point in his life, he experienced a multitude of metabolic issues such as Type II diabetes, hypertension, gout, acid reflux, sleep apnea, constant joint pain. In 2010, he began his life-changing journey of losing 130 pounds and has successfully maintained his weight loss.

Tony went back to school to study Nutrition and Wellness at George Brown College and spent his time researching obesity, weight loss, nutrition, and food addiction. Using his culinary training he discovered how to create healthy, satisfying meals that did not leave him feeling deprived. He turned what he thought was his liability…. food and eating…. into his greatest asset and creates culinary masterpieces that fit his abstinent food plan.

Today, Tony has created MODA for MEN & facilitates a weekly weight loss support group in Toronto, conducts personal coaching sessions, and has designed Meal Plan for his clients. He is the author of two books and the Executive Producer of “Follow Me,” a documentary film exploring the journeys of sixteen individuals, in different spectrums of Food Addiction, who have all successfully sustained their weight loss…..some for over 30 years. It is definitely a must-see and we will put the link for it in our show notes.

Follow Me Documentary: https://www.followmefilm.ca
Website: https://www.modaweightloss.ca
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/modanutrition/
Instagram: modaweightloss
Cook Book: https://www.amazon.ca/Weight-Loss-Never-Tasted-Cookbook/dp/1979411751/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1548608496&sr=8-1&keywords=tony+vassallo

The content of our show is educational only. It does not supplement or supersede the professional relationship and direction of your healthcare provider. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified mental health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition, substance use disorder, or mental health concern.


Episode 15: Dr. Nicole Avena


Episode 13: Michael Moss