Episode 42: Mark Farley

Mark Farley has been active in the recovery fellowships for almost 30 years. Mark found his Spiritual connection and his sobriety through the Salvation Army ARC program in 1991. They helped him to get back on his feet and begin putting his life back together. Mark wound up going back to school to get his Drug and Alcohol Counseling Certificates and went through the Salvation Army’s Adjutant program to earn a Pastoral certification. He worked at the Salvation Army for 3 years running their Drug and Alcohol Rehab program and managing the homeless shelter in Sacramento California. Mark has a passion for helping others to overcome their addictions and afflictions as well as working with the homeless.

Mark went on to build a very successful business that coordinated with hospitals and drug and alcohol treatment centers to medically manage detoxes before realizing his passion for helping the helpless, hopeless, hurting, and addicted.

He earned his MBA and Pastoral Ordination while co-founding and building the 501c3 Furniture Bank, Inc. with his wife Tami. Mark is the Senior Pastor and Founder of Faith Through Works Fellowship, an outreach church that works primarily with the homeless, helpless, hurting and addicted. Known as the “cussing Pastor” you won’t find Mark preaching from a pulpit on a Sunday! He prefers to be in the rehabs, shelters, and centers that helped him to find his way long ago.

As Mark grew older his weight became an issue and in time lead to health issues. Like most folks, he tried every diet, food program, pill, and powder, but had no success. Mark tried to find a solution within the existing 12 Step based eating disorder and food programs but struggled to adhere to their suggestions.

November 26, 2017, Mark hit his bottom and in desperation found Bitten Jonsson through the internet. Bitten responded to Mark’s request and helped him to see that he was addicted to sugar and bad carbs just like his addiction to drugs and alcohol! The light at the end of the tunnel appeared!

Mark continued to work with other existing food programs but found the 12 Step approach severely lacking. At the encouragement of Bitten and others, Mark decided to create what he was seeking.

Mark is the founder of SCAA – Sugar and Carb Addicts Anonymous. A 12 Step Fellowship that has been meeting via Zoom since May of 2018. With just under 500 active members worldwide, there are 19 meetings weekly.

The SCAA fellowship works from the AA Big Book and follows the 12 Steps as their suggested way to recover.

Mark has been married to Tami for 26 years. They have a 23-year-old daughter Kai and reside 1n Queen Creek Arizona. Mark has published 3 Daily Devotionals and (3) 12 Step Recovery Workbooks.




The content of our show is educational only. It does not supplement or supersede the professional relationship and direction of your healthcare provider. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified mental health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition, substance use disorder, or mental health concern.


Episode 43: Cynthia Myers-Morrison


Episode 41: Dr. Anna Lembke