Episode 90: Dr. Vera Tarman

I’m Clarissa Kennedy and today we are bringing you a one-of-a-kind episode. Molly & I are interviewing the expert Dr. Vera Tarman and asking her some of the tough questions we see every day in our clinical interactions with clients to see if she has some insight or best practices to help us help our clients. Today we dig deep on Volume, Post Acute Withdrawal Syndrome, Food Addiction Recovery Maintenance - what does that look like? Ultra-Processed Food Addiction – what are her thoughts on grains/fruit, What are some Tools/Suggestions she has to help with what some people might refer to as the Chronic Relapser (a term we don’t love and give you some new terms instead, Eating Disorders VS Food Addiction and the difference between 12 Steps (Peer) & Treatment.
Since our Vera needs no introduction we would like to take this opportunity to let you know of a few other ways YOU can receive support around food addiction. This Thursday, Sept. 15th we have a 10-day sugar-free challenge starting with Adapt Your Life Academy. The signup link is on our website and we are promoting it in our sugar-free for life: I’m sweet enough Facebook group.

Adapt Your Life No-Sugar Challenge

Sugar-Free for Life Support: I’m Sweet Enough FaceBook Group

• 5 LIVE interactive sessions with world-renowned experts, Dr. Eric Westman, Dr. Vera Tarman & Sugar Addiction counselors, Molly Painschab and Clarissa Kennedy.

• 10 days of support in a private {challengers-only} Facebook group.

• Food list & guidelines (based on phase 3 of Dr. Westman’s book, End Your Carb Confusion).

• PDF guides that will help you move forward.

• Delicious easy recipes to get you started.

• Rockstar team of Adapt Your Life Academy admins to help you succeed

Another incredible opportunity for a community and ongoing support is the 3-week course Dr. Vera Tarman is teaching on Sugar and Food addiction. The next enrollment starts September 26th – October 3rd. The course costs $167 US and the program is made up of 2 essential components: Modules and Lessons partnered with an Ongoing Support Group. Your own new recovery community led by the three of us!!

• Why your self-destructive behaviors around food are not your fault.

• How specific foods are engineered to hijack your brain chemistry.

• The role of hormones and neurotransmitters in creating and perpetuating cravings and urges around food.

• How “wanting,” “knowing,” and “doing” are controlled in the brain and how to make this work to your benefit.

• The differences between food addiction and various eating disorders and why this matters for diagnosis and treatment.

• The different stages of food addiction and which treatment approaches are best for each.

• The critical importance of social support in recovery from food addiction – why treatment must go beyond just the food.

• How to create a recovery plan that’s realistic, enjoyable, and sustainable, so you can achieve food freedom and reclaim your life.

• There is hope: no matter how far gone you feel, no matter how alone or out of control, you can recover from sugar and food addiction.

The content of our show is educational only. It does not supplement or supersede your healthcare provider's professional relationship and direction. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified mental health providers with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition, substance use disorder, or mental health concern.


Episode 91: Dr. Ben Bikman


Episode 89: Dr. Shabnam Das Kar, MD, FMNM