FJ Recovery Stories Episode 15: Sarah Erkel Grace

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On todays epsiode CJ welcomes Sarah to the show. Sarah is a deeply spiritual individual with a profound connection to God. Her faith serves as the cornerstone of her life, inspiring a genuine desire to help others find their own paths to healing and wholeness. With a wealth of knowledge in the recovery field, Sarah offers compassionate guidance and support, empowering individuals to overcome challenges and embrace a fulfilling life. her unwavering belief in the transformative power of faith combined with her experience creates a unique and impactful presence.

Feel free to join our supportive community on Facebook: Sugar-Free for Life Support Group - where we believe "I'm Sweet Enough."

If you're considering personalized assistance, CJ, a Certified Addiction Professional specializing in Food Addiction, is here for one-on-one coaching. Reach out to CJ at 

Interested in sharing your recovery story on our show? We'd love to hear from you! Please email 

If you find inspiration in recovery narratives, you won't want to miss the Food Junkies Podcast. Check it out at


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