FJ Recovery Stories Episode 17: Hanalei R.

CJ has the opportunity to talk to Hanalei Roberts a very determined and compassionate woman who has triumphed over adversity through long-term recovery. Her journey has instilled in her a deep-rooted empathy and understanding of the challenges faced by others. With unwavering strength and a supportive spirit, she has become a beacon of hope for those seeking a path to recovery. Her dedication to helping others is evident in her every action, making her a valuable asset to her community.

Feel free to join our supportive community on Facebook: Sugar-Free for Life Support Group - where we believe "I'm Sweet Enough."

If you're considering personalized assistance, CJ, a Certified Addiction Professional specializing in Food Addiction, is here for one-on-one coaching. Reach out to CJ at 

Interested in sharing your recovery story on our show? We'd love to hear from you! Please email 

If you find inspiration in recovery narratives, you won't want to miss the Food Junkies Podcast. Check it out at



FJ Recovery Stories Episode 18: Karen Fritzemeier


FJ Recovery Stories Episode 16: Kendall